Journey Dates:
- US delegates: January 11-28
- Indian delegates: January 16-24
US delegates will gather in New Delhi by early evening on Thursday, January 12. They will make their own travel arrangements, since people are flying from different locations and with different agendas.
Our Indian delegates will join us in Pune at Maher late in the day on Monday, January 16. Their Journey will end the morning of Tuesday, January 24 when we leave Maher.
US delegates end the Journey in Pune on Friday January 27 so that US delegates will arrive in Seattle on Saturday, January 28. We will bring delegates to the airport, bus and/or train depot. (Note: Indian delegates are welcomed to join us in Delhi over the first weekend (January 12 to 16) and join us the last few days in Pune/Panchagani (January 24 to 27) at additional costs of transportation, hotel and meals.)
Program Fees:
The project is fully self funded:
- For US delegates: Costs have been recalculated and happily reduced: $2300 for 16 days (including one way flight from Delhi to Pune); These fees include all costs, such as transportation, double room and board, program and project. (Single occupancy additional) Caveat: if unanticipated expenses occur, the delegates will pay a post trip charge of no more than $200 to accommodate those additional costs.
- For Indian delegates: Funding has been secured so that Indian delegates may join us without any charge (although contributions are welcomed).
Schedule of US payments due:
- $600 upon acceptance to guarantee inclusion in the program
- $1275 by November 10, 2016
- $425 balance by January 7, 2017
Cancellation policy:
- $75 non refundable as registration fee
- 50% of program fees refundable with 90 days notice
- 25% of program fees refundable with 60 days notice
- no refunds if cancellation is less than 30 days notice